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SpyHunter 3.4.9 Security Suite

SpyHunter 3.4.9 Security Suite

SpyHunter Security Suite - представляет собой комплексную защиту которая защитит вас от: spyware, adware, keyloggers, cookies, spyware registry keys, toolbars. Программа имеет очень дружественный интерфейс благодаря которому не составит труда освоить ее даже ребенку, а впечатляющая база сигнатур ( более 47000 ) не оставит шанса ни одному шпиону.

SpyHunter v.3 is the latest in spyware detection and removal. SpyHunter will hunt down and remove from your machine spyware/adware. SpyHunter utilizes proprietary developed techniques to remove difficult programs that other anti-spyware programs cannot. Our scanner has been timed and it is extremely fast and efficient. In addition to scanning and removing spyware and adware, SpyHunter also has the ability to rapidly generate support logs and interface directly with our customer support department for new spyware threats.

SpyHunter V.3 includes:

* Removes spyware, adware, keyloggers, cookies, spyware registry keys, toolbars, internal popup programs, memory resident spyware
* Remove spyware programs that may be slowing down your computer
* Database of more than 47,000 spyware and adware files.
* Free Updates when available for new spyware parasites
* Fastest Scanner on the marketplace (timed vs other products)
* Rollback Capabilities, to undo the spyware you removed.
* Easy to use interface, (designed to be as simple as a child's toy)

Размер 8.13 MB (Лекарство в архиве)

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Автор: admin | Дата: 22 апреля 2009 | Коментарии: 0 |   

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